International Copyright laws protect all of the work of M.C. Escher. Any reproduction of his work, including downloading, is prohibited without the express written permission of the copyright holder. Requests for reproduction should be directed to Cordon Art's copyright department. Send your request to their copyright department at copyright@mcescher.com with as much background information as possible, if you wish to use his work. In the meantime, click on the links in this blog to see his images on websites that have obtained copyright permission.
One can meditate on M. C. Escher's artwork, so do take a peek thru the web links, and enjoy some of his thoughts in the following quotes.
"The result of the struggle between the thought and the ability to express it, between dream and reality, is seldom more than a compromise or an approximation." - M. C. Escher
"We live in a beautiful and orderly world, not in a chaos without norms, even though this is how it sometimes appears." - M. C. Escher
"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M. C. Escher
"It is human nature to want to exchange ideas, and I believe that, at bottom, every artist wants no more than to tell the world what he has to say. I have sometimes heard painters say that they paint 'for themselves': but I think they would soon have painted their fill if they lived on a desert island. The primary purpose of all art forms, whether it’s music, literature, or the visual arts, is to say something to the outside world; in other words, to make a personal thought, a striking idea, an inner emotion perceptible to other people’s senses in such a way that there is no uncertainty about the maker's intentions." - M. C. Escher
"What I give form to in daylight is only one per cent of what I have seen in darkness." - M. C. Escher
"He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder." - M. C. Escher
Escher image source (1)
"The result of the struggle between the thought and the ability to express it, between dream and reality, is seldom more than a compromise or an approximation." - M. C. Escher
"We live in a beautiful and orderly world, not in a chaos without norms, even though this is how it sometimes appears." - M. C. Escher
"We adore chaos because we love to restore order." - M. C. Escher
"My work is a game, a very serious game." - M. C. Escher
"It is human nature to want to exchange ideas, and I believe that, at bottom, every artist wants no more than to tell the world what he has to say. I have sometimes heard painters say that they paint 'for themselves': but I think they would soon have painted their fill if they lived on a desert island. The primary purpose of all art forms, whether it’s music, literature, or the visual arts, is to say something to the outside world; in other words, to make a personal thought, a striking idea, an inner emotion perceptible to other people’s senses in such a way that there is no uncertainty about the maker's intentions." - M. C. Escher
"What I give form to in daylight is only one per cent of what I have seen in darkness." - M. C. Escher
"He who wonders discovers that this in itself is wonder." - M. C. Escher
Escher image source (1)